2021 台北親子二手市集
每個媽媽都希望給成長中的孩子最好的,但是又不想花大錢。這就是為什麼我們舉辦這個室內親子二手市集活動的原因。這次不僅有二手市集, 還有小朋友的小活動可以參加! 有吃有玩,歡迎全家來挖寶~
- 室內二手親子市集 / 20+ 媽咪
- 免費聽 Liya / YuYu 老師讀故事繪本
- KiwiCo STEAM 兒童工作坊
- 體驗Crown Mama兒童指甲彩繪的樂趣
- IM國際百老匯 Alice 老師芭蕾舞的表演
- Tinkerer Box 益智玩具
- Lazy Pâtisserie 法式甜點
- 還有更多,請繼續關注…
2021 Taipei Parents & Kids Second Hand Market / Fair
Every parent wants the best for their growing children while saving as much as they can. This is why we will be holding this exclusive indoor mother / child second-hand market. Discover fantastic deals on gently-used fashion and essentials of your favorite brands.
This time we have added kids activities and experiences! Come support other parents. Welcome your whole family to join us!
- 20+ Second hand good sellers
- Free story book reading by HuluHulu
- STEAM science workshop with KiwiCo
- Ballet performance by International Musical
- STEAM toys by Tinkerer Box
- Kids nail art by Crown Mama
- Desserts by Lazy Patisserie
- More to come, stay tuned…
展名:2021 台北親子二手市集 Parents and Kids Fair
地點:AVENUE | 台北市安和路二段92號B1
票價:大人$50 / 12歲以下免票入場
2021/03/18 – 2021/04/02
- 早鳥優惠 30元